Re: Linux Swap Partitions

From: NM (mlat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 05:38:18 PDT

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    Le mer 24/07/2002 à 20:38, saliskorat_private a écrit :
    > Is there any value to mounting and analysing a linux swap partition ?
    You don't want to mount it, since that would mean that the kernel would
    page stuff out and overwrite it. You can't mount it RO either since it's
    pointless for swap.
    Consider the swap partition as a large binary file, which will contain
    chunks of the memory space (data mostly) of process that were running
    when the machine was stopped. You *might* find something but it's not
    very likely; you could use strings(1) on it for example. But it's not
    likely you'd find something because the swap is basically not used until
    the system really has to (id est: is running out of physical memory),
    and even then, it tries (depending on which vm subsystem you're using)
    to write to disk only the stuff that's not used the most. 
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