Re: Handling, possibly, encrypted data

From: Seth Arnold (sarnoldat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 01:10:40 PDT

  • Next message: InfoEmergencias - Luis Gómez: "Re: blowfish cryptographic hash function"

    On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 08:11:31PM +0200, Jeroen Latour wrote:
    > But, again if the algorithm is any good, it will not be possible to easily 
    > determine the algorithm used to compress it, let alone try and decrypt it. 
    Is it common experience among investigators that encrypted contents are
    encrypted with anything other than "easy" tools, such as pgp, gpg, ntfs
    encryption, etc?
    I was going to respond to Jeroen that even though the underlying
    algorithms used for encryption should be nearly indestinguishable from
    each other, at least if they are any good (as he points out), it is much
    more likely the case that files have common headers, say, matching the
    openpgp specification or some other well-defined specification, that
    will clearly label the file encrypted in some fashion, quite possibly
    even specifying which key it is encrypted to...
    But without knowing what one is likely to encounter in the field, I'm
    not sure this is a good answer.

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