The Art of Unspoofing

From: eric.princeat_private
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 06:33:24 PDT

  • Next message: John Fitzgerald: "RE: The Art of Unspoofing"

    I saw this article on a site yesterday, the entire thing can be found at  Perhaps it is of some intrest:
    	The amount and frequency of denial of service attacks are 
    escalating. It's becoming harder to track down the source who initiates 
    them due to trace-evasion techniques. A raw interface to the networking 
    stack allows anyone to send spoofed packets to a target host, eliminating
    the ability of its administrator to determine the origin of the attack.
    In today's world of e-commerce and globalization, the attacks and the
    inability to determine their source can be devastating. It gives 
    small companies a bad name, and destroys the good reputations of larger 
          The ability to track down the source that uses spoofing techniques
    will certainly increase the chance to catch those attacking, and will 
    force people to think of more intricate ways to attack servers on the 
    net. This paper describes a few ways to track down these types of 
    attacks up to the last link in the chain (the attacker himself), or at 
    least his ISP.
    Eric Prince
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