Re: 2 data recovery questions

From: Paul Timmins (paulat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 11 2002 - 03:55:14 PST

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    On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 11:39, Rod Hauser wrote:
    > I have 2 data recovery situations that could use an opinion.
    > 2) a 3.3V 64MB SmartMedia card that was filled up in the camera, but now 
    > shows as blank (errors) both in the camera and in the FlashPath floppy 
    > adapter.  . I downloaded a piece of software that said it might read it, but 
    > it doesn't show any more data.  I've considered buying a USB adapter just to 
    > try recovery one more way, but I do not have high hopes. 
    > Any opinions to the contrary?
    I wrote a perl script that I used to recover photos from a smartmedia a
    friend accidentally ran a "delete all" on. Note that it will create a
    bunch of jpegs in the CWD called "recoverNN.jpg", where NN is a
    sequential number. Also note that this program works by ignoring the
    directory table and just identifying the start and end of files by
    looking for a specific header, which is specified in line 2 of the file.
    I mention this because it can cause abnormally large jpeg files which
    are a normal jpeg plus a bunch of nonsensical garbage at the end that
    most viewers ignore.
    Anyway, feed the program by directing the raw device toward stdin, such
    perl < /dev/hde1
    Paul Timmins
    paulat_private /
    H: 248-683-7295 / C: 248-379-7826 / DC: 130*116*24495
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