Re: encryption question

From: Bob Radvanovsky (rsradvanat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 18:22:54 PST

  • Next message: Jason Coombs: "RE: CRC32 vd MD5"

    Darren --
    I am assuming that this is pertaining to a Microsoft Windows 
    environment.  If so, Microsoft already has a similar product out.
    Here is the URL:
    Does this help you?  Please advise if you require further assistance.
    P.S.  If you require assistance with a UNIX-based environment, there are 
    numerous projects currently underway for a "strong" encrypted standard for 
    a trusted/encrypted filesystem environment.  Though there are several 
    currently, from what I have read, more are coming out.  Take care...
    At 02:27 PM 1/16/2003, you wrote:
    >As a CISSP I have a task to protect information by locking down the info 
    >on the pc with encryption. Also as a forensic examiner I am tasked with 
    >making forensic images and conducting examinations in support of corporate 
    >investigations, essentially getting into the information I am tasked with 
    >protecting. There are many products that do hard disk encryption but I 
    >have experienced major problems in making acquisitions without first 
    >decrypting the drive thus tampering with evidence. As far as directory 
    >level encryption the security requirement would be to use a hardware key 
    >to authenticate to the encrypted directory (two factor authentication) but 
    >as an examiner, the hardware key would need to contain administrator in 
    >addition to user accounts or policies which would enable me to conduct a 
    >sound investigation. Has anyone been in the same situation or know of any 
    >company that offers this? Thanks
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