RE: Tracking a (potential) abuser?

From: William Grossman (wgrossmanat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 07 2003 - 04:41:55 PST

  • Next message: sr000at_private: "Re: Tracking a (potential) abuser?"

    The way I would handle the situation is as follows.  
          I would reset the permissions on the student's folder to the way
    that you found them.  Leaving them changed can give you away easily.
    Secondly I would find out as much background info on the user as
    possible (i.e. which computer labs or workstations do they generally use
    and when do they use them).  Unless the person is stupid you are
    probably dealing with a stolen account.  Once you have the background
    info you can start to cross reference the security logs.  Make sure that
    you have logon success/failures audited.  Each day export the log file
    to a text file and do a keyword search on the username in question.
    Keep track of any suspicious login times or places for that user.  If
    you can narrow it down to a couple of workstations then you can start
    with key loggers and other fun stuff.
         Next at the same time I changed the logon setting in auditing I
    would also make sure that I turned on auditing for reading/writing file
    attributes and for deleting any folders.  After you finish with keyword
    searches for usernames, then I would do a few more for folder deletions
    and attribute changes.  Weed out legitimate uses and investigate the
    rest.  If you get some more user ids then you can use the same technique
    as above.
         Now do another keyword search of the logs for administrator logins.
    Find out who has access to the administrator passwords and where they
    log in. Verify every single administrator login.  If you get a login
    from an unexpected workstation then throw on a key logger.
         Finally I'm not sure if Internet abuse is one of your concerns if
    it is make sure that the school has a proxy server and that that is the
    only way to access the internet.  You will spend a good amount of time
    going over the logs of that to look for suspicious behavior.
    William B. Grossman           
    Network Administrator         
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