Re: Q on external router

From: Roger Marquis (marquisat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 24 1998 - 07:25:44 PDT

  • Next message: darrenrat_private: "Re: Q on external router"

    On Thu, 23 Apr 1998 tqbfat_private wrote:
    > confidence in Sendmail, to the point where I'd be willing to consider
    > deploying VMailer in circumstances where Sendmail's lack of reliability is
    > prohibitive.
    We hear about sendmail's lack of reliability but I am not aware of any
    security problems since version 8.8.5, that's 4 releases ago.  If you're
    going to discount software because it had bugs in a previous release then
    you'd have to pass on 99% of the firewall technology available today. 
    The same logic should be applied to DMZ switches.  Has anyone ever
    documented a break-in due to a leaking switch?  Even if you could break-in
    to a DMZ machine, and even if you could use that machine to send a large
    number of bogus arps, and even if the switch would then start passing any
    pack to all ports, and if you could then snoop that traffic...
    seems very unlikely.
    Roger Marquis
    Roble Systems Consulting

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