Re: Paper on why I need a security Assessment

From: Antonomasia (antat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 01:35:46 PST

  • Next message: John Robertson: "SonicWall"

    There's this bugtraq post from a year ago.
    > Where I work, the policy has often been that security is not relevant, or
    > a pain in the neck, or the paranoid delusions of systems admin-types.
    > Well, last thursday, we discovered a rather annoying intrusion, and I
    > wrote a brief, almost 'manager-level' paper on hwo bad things get when
    > they go wrong ...
    > Perhaps other people on Bugtraq will have use of it?
    securityfocus has this archived
       Date Subject Author
       02/02/99 No Security is Bad Security:John \"E.R.\" Jasen
       02/03/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:Kevin Day
       02/03/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:Jan B. Koum
       02/05/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:Russell Fulton
       02/04/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:ecx
       02/04/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:Donald Moore (MindRape)
       02/04/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:Taral
       02/04/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:der Mouse
       02/04/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:com-nospamat_private
       02/04/99 Re: No Security is Bad Security:Scott
    # Antonomasia   antat_private                      #
    # See                        #

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