Re: DMZ design - Exchange, SQL, & DCOM

From: Michael Borkin (borkinat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 08:17:23 PST

  • Next message: Rick Murphy: "Re: segmentation fault"

    Thanks for the response and overly kind offer.  I will definitely be taking
    you up on that off-list (hey, I may be stupid but I am not stupid enough to
    pass up an offer of help), but I wanted to throw the questions that your
    response brought up for me at the list as well.
            I will suggest 3 nic cards, you should also use SPLIT DNS
    Does checkpoint offer SPLIT DNS as a feature of its FW-1 product or is it
    some kind of add-on?
            You can get an SMTP Relay server (Mimesweeper) that will
            also scan all incoming and out going e-mails for Viruses.
    I was actually looking at purchasing an anti-virus program that incorporates
    with the firewall rather than putting it on the SMTP relay box (such as
    Aladdin's e-safe protect or a similar product from Trend Micro that I do not
    recall the name of right now).  Is there any real advantage to having it out
    in the DMZ rather than at the firewall?  Any product recommendations in this
    Thanks again and look forward to talking to you soon,

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