Re: DMZ design - Exchange, SQL, & DCOM

From: Michael Borkin (borkinat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 06 2000 - 07:47:03 PST

  • Next message: arkat_private: "Re: Firewalls - ITSEC Rating?"

            Just because your SQL server is in the DMZ does not mean
            that it is accessible from the outside. Your outside firewall
            interface should only allow HTTP traffic to the web server
            and SMTP traffic to the mail server. Thats it. Nothing more.
            Your SQL server doesn't even need an internet routable IP
            address. It doesn't even need IP. You could set it up to use
            IPX or Netbeui to talk to the web server. (Do this only if your
            firewall will let you talk to the SQL server from the inside using
            IPX or Netbeui)
    I am assuming you mean that the firewall allows IPX or Netbeui inside the
    DMZ.  I never have considered that.  Would that be allowed through the
    rules?  Would it open the servers up to in another way, such as tunneling
    those protocols in, if I was to allow IPX or Netbeui?
            One more thing. The book "Building Internet Firewalls" is NOT
            written by Cheswick and Bellovin as a stated previously. "Building
            Internet Firewalls" is written by Brent Chapman and Elizabeth
            Zwicky and is published by O'Reilly.
    Thanks for the reference as well... I haven't had time to check it out as of
    yet but it does sound like exactly the kind of book I need to read.

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