Re: DMZ design - Exchange, SQL, & DCOM

From: Francois Dupont (frdupontat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 02:43:06 PST

  • Next message: JJB: "Audit Log Analysis Tools"

    there is another solution for accessing an internal SQL server from a web 
    server in DMZ, WITHOUT opening connexions through the firewall from the DMZ 
    to the internal network. It's a software called "NetSecure Web", from the 
    french company NetSecure Software. On the one hand, you've got an empty web 
    server on the DMZ, which just buffers incoming requests from the Internet. 
    On the other hand, the real web server is in the internal network and polls 
    about every second (configurable) the server on the DMZ and gets this way 
    the buffered requests without any connexion opened from the DMZ throughout 
    the firewall: the connexions are opened from the internal network towards 
    the DMZ, which is much much more secure.
    When the internal server has got the requests, it can ask an internal SQL 
    server for data (no such big security problem) and then sends back to the 
    DMZ server the web pages for the Internet clients.
    This product is about 2 years old and is used in production in several big 
    companies already.
    NetSecure Software is a Paris company, but has a branch in Montreal, Canada. 
    Take a look at .
    Have a nice day!
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