Re: Firewalls - ITSEC Rating?

From: Rick Smith (rick_smithat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 08:50:53 PST

  • Next message: Irwin Lazar: "RE: Term Explanation"

    At 01:28 PM 02/07/2000 +0300, arkat_private wrote:
    >The ONLY firewall testing i've seen that was worth something was one
    >at (iirc) BTW does anybody know what happened with this site,
    >are there any mirrors available on the net?
    I believe it was a victim of a Department of Defense policy change in which
    they put just about everything about computer security into restricted Web
    sites, except for material that was obviously for public consumption. The
    tests posted to Mitten were primarily intended to provide information to US
    government organizations about firewalls' relative security, so it fell on
    the 'restricted' list.
    Secure Computing used to have a copy of Sidewinder's review on the company
    web site, but the site is in the process of overhaul and I'm not sure what
    happened to the review. I think TIS/NA had a copy of the Gauntlet report on
    their site.

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