Re: SonicWall

From: James Neal - HandiCAT (nealat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 06:47:11 PST

  • Next message: Andrew J. Luca: "RE: Cisco configuration question"

    In message <013701bf6d72$f8785c00$e80a78c1at_private>you write:
    >Can anybody body give me any information regarding the SonicWall range =
    >of firewalls. I am particularly looking at the pros and cons.
    Well, the pros are it's pretty inexpensive.
    The cons list is a tad bit longer. We've spent the last two months with
    a SonicWall PRO sitting between us and the Internet (after an
    ill-advised, and ill-received upgrade).
    	Con #1: Any rule change necessitates a reboot of the device,
    	dropping all active connections to the Internet.
    	Con #2: The configuration file isn't in a user-edititable form.
    	You _must_ configure this thing through the web interface.
    	Though you can then backup the configuration file, it's in an
    	encrypted format.
    	Con #3: No secure configuration interface.  Not even an
    	SSL-capable webserver.
    	Con #4: Extreme flakiness.  1:1 NAT often _just stops
    	working_.  The packet enters the box, but then never leaves.
    	To get it to work again we have to ping the inside box _from
    	the sonicwall_.  That fixes it for about 20 minutes.
    	Con #5: Poor logging.  What happened to the packet in #4?  Who
    	knows; nothing shows up in the logs.
    	Con #6: Poor support.  Email only.  A heck of a lot of good
    	that does you when you're firewall is busted.
    There's others, but I'd like to give Sonic the chance to address them
    before posting them to a public forum. 

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