Re: Citrix ICA through port 80?

From: Mikael Olsson (mikael.olssonat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 12:53:32 PST

  • Next message: neil lehrer: "nokia"

    SF BA wrote:
    > I know that some of you will consider this a bad thing
    > ... that aside, I still need to figure out my options.
    > We have a demo that runs on Windows Terminal Server
    > and Citrix MetaFrame.  Some of our potential customers
    > have firewalls setup that block their users from going
    > out on unknown ports (if they don't have Citrix
    > installed already, then they'll block the ports that
    > ICA uses).
    There is very likely a _reason_ why they are blocking
    everything but "known services". If the IS departments
    find out that their users are tunneling ICA through
    HTTP, the users are likely to ... umm.. get banned 
    from the network or fired from the company. This is 
    not a nice thing to do to your customers.
    I'd advise going through the long and cumbersom route;
    get your customers to make their IS departments change
    their policies. Then it won't be your fault if something
    goes wrong.
    Mikael Olsson, EnterNet Sweden AB, Box 393, S-891 28 ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK
    Phone: +46-(0)660-105 50           Fax: +46-(0)660-122 50
    Mobile: +46-(0)70-248 00 33
    WWW:        E-mail: mikael.olssonat_private

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