RE: Automated IDS response

From: arkat_private
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 03:14:09 PST

  • Next message: Kevin T. Shivers: "Re: Killing Napster"

    Robert Graham <robert_david_grahamat_private> said :
    > I mean, with a firewall you've already pre-DoSed your users: you deny them full
    > access to the Internet. How many users can get IRC, ICQ, or even RealAudio
    > through the firewall? How many of your users are complaining they can't
    > traceroute through your firewall? You've already denied them that service. 
    Hmm, my users can do all that, though i feel unhappy somehow about ICQ -
    and i am not willing to write a proxy for it just to do not provide
    false sense of security.. simple relay program passes UDP packets to and
    from ICQ server, that's all i have (yes, i know it leaks internal 
    addressing info, but THEY do not let me to deny the damn thing completely)
    Using "personal firewall" thingies like AtGuard on Weendoze workstations
    as complemetary measure in addition to "main" firewall is probably a good
    idea also..
                                         _     _  _  _  _      _  _
     {::} {::} {::}  CU in Hell          _| o |_ | | _|| |   / _||_|   |_ |_ |_
     (##) (##) (##)        /Arkan#iD    |_  o  _||_| _||_| /   _|  | o |_||_||_|
     [||] [||] [||]            Do i believe in Bible? Hell,man,i've seen one!
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