Re: client puzzle protocol

From: Antonomasia (antat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 13:59:57 PST

  • Next message: arkat_private: "RE: Automated IDS response"

    "Michael B. Rash" <mbrat_private>:
    > scheme any different?  The server still must maintain state for each
    > connection request to know if any subseqent response solved the crypto
    > puzzle correctly... hence we can DoS such a server in exactly the same way
    > as the normal SYN flood; by maxing out this state table.
    This might be avoided by something like "An option-based implementation
    of SYN cookies?" proposed here in December by Mikael Olsson
    >                                                           In addition,
    > even if there were a server-side limit on the number of connection
    > requests made by a single client (which RSA does not seem to do) it would
    > be easy to spoof packets from *many* different IP's in the same manner as
    > the DDoS attacks and so this would be useless too.
    It may prevent spoofing, but I think massive parallel puzzling by large
    numbers of zombies with genuine unwanted connections will beat this and
    anything else of the kind.
    # Antonomasia   antat_private                      #
    # See                        #

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