Re: Killing Napster

From: Kevin T. Shivers (ktsat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 13:00:17 PST

  • Next message: Nuno Fernandes: "RE: Killing Napster"

    At 01:39 PM 2/16/00 -0500, Andrew Scoggins wrote:
    >Hello all,
    >I am currently looking into killing the MP3 Program Napster. 
    >A user told me that he had been using it inside the firewall to download
    >files on an external Napster server. He assumed he was safe because he
    >was behind the firewall, but soon discovered that other users were
    >downloading from his machine. My guess is that Napster establishes a
    >connection from client to server that is used for uploads AND downloads.
    >So, the burning question is, has anyone blocked Napster by specifying
    >the destination port (which I haven't figured out yet) going out? I am
    >not running an application level firewall, so I can only do it by port.
    >Thanks for any help. I also post other info as I find it.
    Alot of universities have been blocking out Napster since it sucks up a ton
    of their bandwidth [at Bucknell it was so bad, it was taking up to 40% of
    their network traffic!]  The port Napster uses is 6699 I believe, at least
    that's what I remember seeing when I last used the program.  Quite a useful
    program on campus. :)  If you dig around someone reversed engineered the
    protocol and published it.  I think it does use the connection for
    everything, which is why people were uploading files off of his machine.
    I'm sure slashdot has some info on this since there were a few threads
    about schools banning programs like Napster.

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