Re: client puzzle protocol

From: Tommy Ward (tommyat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 14:48:44 PST

  • Next message: sedwardsat_private: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    I think several people have already put a lot more engineering analysis
    into RSA's proposed "solution" than it deserves.  It clearly seems 
    like it is based more on marketitecture, which was aimed at grabbing
    some mind share of the uninformed public than on creating any kind
    of workable solution to DoS or DDoS threats.
    I think the following from one of my colleagues in Sydney sums it up
    "Nah, RSA's solution is to DOS the web site for you, so you, the discerning 
    hacker, don't have to."   Matt Barrie <mattat_private>
    >It may prevent spoofing, but I think massive parallel puzzling by large
    >numbers of zombies with genuine unwanted connections will beat this and
    >anything else of the kind.
    Tommy Ward                              V.P. Operations, Western Region			
    650-812-9400 x4120			         tommyat_private
                    Kroll-O'Gara Information Security Group

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