Re: Recent Attacks

From: Darren Reed (darrenrat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 31 1969 - 15:59:59 PST

  • Next message: Amos Hayes: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    In some email I received from Ryan Russell, sie wrote:
    > > So are you suggesting that perhaps it is time software such as ISS, etc,
    > > to not only be made available with strict controls over which targets
    > > they can be used against (article about this went to bugtraq some time
    > > ago) but also be required for those buying the product/license keys
    > > in order to undertake such work ?  I think this is almost a inevitable.
    > > I can't see why professionals would object to this - every `respectable'
    > > procession has some sort of official "badging" which is required before
    > > you practice in it.
    > Because then if I want to write a tool, I have to take on the
    > responsibility of serial numbering, licensing, probably some sort of
    > insurance, etc.. which means I can't do it for free anymore, can't release
    > source...
    > It's going to squash the little guys.
    > It may in fact be inevitable, but it sucks.
    Let me get this straight, you've been writing small DDoS packages and
    distributing the source code for them ?  I have probably strayed too
    far in grouping ISS with them, but ISS/Cybercop include a vast array
    of "buttons" which, in my mind at least, put them in a different class
    to your scripts - sort of like comparing a pea shooter with the guns
    the dog creatures get in 5th Element :)  The government here has come
    very close to outlawing some of them...I can't imagine it'll be long
    before others try :-/
    Some of these DDoS tools could be deemed to be "cyber firearms".
    Kids make bombs at home and look what happens - they blow up schools, if
    not themselves.  (No, you don't need the 'net to learn how).  I imagine
    if you set out to make a gun, then you'd need a license too*, but that's
    something I'll leave to the expects - I don't want to put any unnecessary
    holes in me by accident or otherwise.  Kids shooting up classmates, kids
    bringing down the Internet.  What's worse, 20 dead + injured or loosing
    $1.2 billion ?  "Only in America".
    mmmm, stretching analogies :)
    * - I don't know about this for sure, but you can't sell deail in them
        without one.

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