Re: Recent Attacks

From: Amos Hayes (ahayesat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 07:35:01 PST

  • Next message: Paul D. Robertson: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Drew Smith wrote:
    > Michael Cassidy wrote:
    > > 
    > > At 4:03 PM -0700 2/12/00, hndat_private wrote:
    > > > <snip>
    > > >problems why not hack the root servers?!!!!!!!  This will bring down the whole
    > > >internet.
    > > 
    > > bringing down a few dot.coms isnt bring down the net or causing massive
    > > problems espcially for those of us that dont think the net is a retail
    > > store.
    > 	You don't make any sense.  Taking out the root nameservers would bring
    > the entire net to its knees.  If "those of us that don't think of the
    > internet as a retail store" are those people that have decided that
    > nameservice is useless and that everyone should just memorize IP
    > addresses - count me out.  Nameservice is necessary for just about every
    > other service available, and without the root servers, nameservice
    > wouldn't work.  No email, no http, no streaming audio, no IRC, no ICQ,
    > nothing.  Period.
    > 	Try and read a little before flaming.
    I believe Michael was implying that the attackers were not interested in
    disturbing non-commercial uses of the net. Hence they brought down a few
    "dot.coms" rather than attacking the root servers.
    You might want to reread your motto.
    Amos Hayes

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