Re: Recent Attacks

From: Randy B. Samos (samosat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 06:57:27 PST

  • Next message: Kenneth_W_Foxat_private: "patternmatch for scan"

    > From: "Barrett G. Lyon" <blyonat_private>
    >    Is my network disrupted by this attack, and if so should I remove
    >    whatever it is that the attacker wants offline?  If by removing the
    >    target will the attacker stop and if so will this keep my other
    >    services online?   [ I have found by removing the target the attacker
    >    stops nearly immediately. ]
    Hmmm. If the object of the attack was a DOS, wouldn't you be helping the
    attacker reach his/her goals by taking the machine down yourself?
    Randy Samos - IS/SDA           		"Absence of evidence
    StorageTek, Minneapolis, MN              is not evidence of				 absence." - C. Sagan

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