Re: Recent Attacks

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 09:46:51 PST

  • Next message: Antonomasia: "Re: client puzzle protocol"

    Ryan Russell wrote:
    > All I want is for prosecutors, judges, and law enforcement to put some
    > intelligent thought into what the damages really were.  I still say the
    > attacker couldn't have done 1.2B in damages, and that's the "crucifixtion"
    > dollar amount.
    That would be because the attacker(s) did NOT cause $1.2B in damages.
    According to a press report I read last week (sorry, lost the reference) the
    total loss of e-business (assuming that transactions that didn't happen due
    to DDoS are lost instead of delayed) was around $100M.  The other $1.1B was
    "capitalization loss", i.e. blame the total $ value of lowering share prices
    for the victim .com's on the attackers, ignore any subsequent stock price
    rebound, and pin that whole $ amount on the attacker(s).
    I agree, the above math does not make sense.  The stock price loss really
    IS the victim's fault:  it's Wall Street telling them they need to clean up
    their security act, because they are vulnerable.  The $100M in lost
    transaction costs is arguably the attacker's fault, but there is a lot of
    doubt about how many of those transactions truly evaporated, vs. how many
    just came back the next day.
    Caveat:  I am not a lawyer, I'm not party to any of these activities, and the
    above is paraphrased from what I read in the newspaper.
    Crispin Cowan, CTO, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Free Hardened Linux Distribution:       

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