RE: Recent Attacks

From: Chris Crozier (chrisat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 22:54:28 PST

  • Next message: Alexandre Cunha: "packets"

    Marcus Ranum wrote:
    > So do I. Indeed, I think that it may boil down to some kind of
    > professional certification being necessary. There are analogs
    > to this - locksmithing certification, federal firearms license, etc.
    > That's part of what I meant about how that grey area is going to
    > get real thin, soon.
    Isn't there an analogy with early use of air travel? When flight first
    started, if you had an aeroplane you flew when and where you chose. No-one
    (?) would argue today in the name of civil liberties that pilots should be
    free to take off and land anytime and any place they wished, in any kind of
    aircraft. The internet is going to have to go through the same transition
    from unregulated free-for-all to controlled usage for similar reasons, i.e.
    the damage that can be caused by reckless or deliberately malicious use is
    unacceptably high. Admittedly there is not the same risk to life, though
    conceivably that could also come into play as more systems rely on the
    internet as a component.

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