Re: Recent Attacks

From: Darren Reed (darrenrat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 31 1969 - 15:59:59 PST

  • Next message: Darren Reed: "DDoS: Food for thought."

    In some email I received from Ryan Russell, sie wrote:
    > So what's a "good" gun?  The model that law enforcement uses?  Guns aren't
    > the best example..  there are guns that shoot, and there are guns that
    > shoot faster and harder.  There's a bit more range in security tools.
    And there is shotguns which turn into "sawn off" shotguns.
    > And once you outlawing tools, you eventually outlaw all security tools.
    > Start with TFN, since it's 95% evil.  Next, get L0phtcrack since it's 80%.
    > Then COPS, it's 60%.  Internet Scanner is about 40-50%, so it won't be
    > long for that tool.  We'll be left with MS' c2config.  Whee.
    No, you start by outlawing 'programs which cause large scale interruptions'
    to the Internet (which would include your nice hack, mudge, if you're
    reading this :)  Somewhat analogous in terms to "weapons of mass
    destruction" (i.e. nukes/bio).  Or at least that's my thinking O:)
    Hmmm, I wonder if that would mean live-sex would get outlawed, freeing up
    90% of 'net traffic ? ;-)

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