Re: [fw-wiz] Firewalls on an IPX/SPX network

From: R. DuFresne (dufresneat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 09:21:10 PDT

  • Next message: michael: "[fw-wiz] RE:webex IP's"

    On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Luca Berra wrote:
    > On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 02:32:14PM -0700, Brian Bettger wrote:
    > >He has, in the past enjoyed a strictly IPX/SPX network knowing that this
    > >decreases his risk of exposing his servers. Is there a firewall product
    > >out there we can use that allows a VPN connection to utilize IPX/SPX for
    > >several and eventually tens of clients to map a drive to the Novell
    > >server(s)?
    > Dunno about a specific product, but since ipx is running on top of ppp
    > it should reasonably possible to make it run over pptp as well.
    > I don't know of any firewall that can do packet filtering or content
    > inspection on IPX, but maybe you can get some packet filtering with
    > cisco IOS (i have not used the ipx feature set for eons).
    Of course, in considering pptp, one has t make sure all systems are upto
    date and current on all available M$ patches, there was a issue recently
    with pptp in I believe all M$ variants.  I have not kept current enough on
    that to note if there has been a fix released from M$.  The previous
    posters suggestions about borderware, and either two NDS trees or getting
    their backend up to current ipx/spx configurations might be easier to
    Ron DuFresne
            admin & senior security consultant:
    "Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
    eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
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                    -- Johnny Hart
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    firewall-wizards mailing list

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