Re: [fw-wiz] OBSD reaction to CERT advisory

From: Daniel Hartmeier (danielat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 14:54:10 PDT

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    On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 04:46:19PM -0400, Paul Robertson wrote:
    > It's not a SACK problem, it's a TCP segement issue,
    Yes, I didn't mean 'selective ACK' as in SACK. I don't know where I
    picked up that term, I think it was the advisory itself. But in context
    of the advisory description, it should be clear: the attacker sends an
    ftp command that the server quotes in its reply. When the reply arrives,
    the attacker doesn't ACK the full response, but only the first part of
    it, up to the section where the desired quote starts. Hence, the
    attacker selectively ACKs the reply. The intermediate packet filter sees
    only the remaining quote at the beginning of a retransmitted packet, and
    confuses it with a complete reply from the server. This triggers
    creation of a new state entry (for what the packet filter thinks is a
    data connection the ftp server expects), which the attacker uses to
    connect to another service, which should not be allowed.
    And, yes, based solely on code inspection, I'm very confident that
    IPFilter is vulnerable to this attack. If anyone fancies a little
    competition, set up an ftp server behind an IPFilter firewall. Allow me
    to connect to the ftp server (using passive mode, so the in-kernel ftp
    proxy allows incoming ftp data connections). Setup a fake target, like
    an echo "secret" inetd.conf entry, and absolutely filter any access to
    that port on the firewall. If I can connect to that port and get the
    secret, I win. How much are you betting?
    Of course, the ftp server runs on a stack that actually does partial
    retransmissions. I don't think these are unrealistic boundary
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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