[fw-wiz] Re: Tunnel intruder

From: Harald Koch (chkat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 19:53:51 PDT

  • Next message: Frank Knobbe: "Re: [fw-wiz] Tunnel intruder"

    > Does anybody know of an actual incident where this attack was used, 
    > successfully or not?
    Yes. It's certainly been done as a proof-of-concept, and I can think of
    an incident involving remote employees and SSH tunnels, (although I
    don't think it was ever made public).
    The remote user is one of the easiest entries into a corporate network.
    Stolen laptops; this type of VPN compromise; stolen securid (or
    equivalent) tokens; WiFi at home; the list goes on and on.
    On the other hand, these are not script-kiddie attacks; there are many
    different VPN clients out there, *and* you have to know something about
    the network you're trying to penetrate. Still, it's probably easier (and
    more covert) than attacking a corporate firewall directly.
    So-called "compulsory VPNs" or "split-tunnels" are not a defense against
    a determined attacker. Robotic attack software is pretty sophisticated
    these days.  Once installed, a trojan using technology like IP-over-HTTP
    tunnels can get back *out* of a corporate network fairly easily.
    Anyway, I can remember discussing the problem with co-workers in my
    early days at Borderware, about six years ago; it's not exactly a new
    idea.  Frankly, I'd be surprised if it *hadn't* been used by now.
    I suspect, as with most security incidents, we'll probably never hear
    about it.
    Harald Koch     <chkat_private>
    ex-firewall developer :-)
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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