Re: [fw-wiz] Variations of firewall ruleset bypass via FTP

From: Darren Reed (darrenrat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 06:34:14 PDT

  • Next message: Zill, Greg: "[fw-wiz] RE: block webex"

    In some email I received from Mikael Olsson, sie wrote:
    > > I'm not in control of what version ships with NetBSD.  SEP.
    I suppose this is the inflamatory part :)
    > I can't help but parsing all of this as "I don't care that previous 
    > versions were vulnerable.  I don't care that NetBSD is shipping a 
    > vulnerable version.  And I particularily don't give a flying f&ck 
    > that listing ipf as 'Not Vulnerable' means that there's no reason 
    > for distributors to rush out a new version.  It's all Someone 
    > Else's (the users') Problem."
    3.4.29 was in NetBSD-current on Sep 21.
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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