Re: 31337 udp, on cisco...?

From: Jason Lewis (jlewisat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 16:18:05 PDT

  • Next message: Jose Nazario: "Re: 31337 udp, on cisco...?"

    I have done scans on networks that filter common backdoor ports.  In the
    scan log you will see
    31337 Filtered
    That doesn't mean the port is open.
    Jason Lewis
    "All you can do is manage the risks. There is no security."
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Incidents Mailing List [mailto:INCIDENTSat_private]On
    Behalf Of w1re p4ir
    Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 10:55 AM
    To: INCIDENTSat_private
    Subject: 31337 udp, on cisco...?
    Hello all,
    Ok I recently completed an audit of a company. I noticed they had 31337 udp
    on a couple dev's/hosts... Could this be some type of management (not a
    backdoor). I say it's not a back door because it existed on 3 cisco's and
    one Axis StorPoint CDROM Server. I'm completely stumped and i do a search
    for it and i keep getting "back orifice management port." I'm quite sure
    this is not the case, unless they coded a BD for ciscos =). Any help would
    be appreciated so i can finish up this report. Thanks,
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