Re: Increase in Sun RPC Scans

From: Joseph Nicholas Yarbrough (nyarbroughat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 23:41:50 PDT

  • Next message: Russell Fulton: "Re: Increase in RPC Port scans (portmap probes) (fwd)"

    On Thursday 19 April 2001 11:52, Joe Butin wrote:
    > > WiredNews (,1283,43134,00.html) is
    > reporting that Chinese hackers are preparing for a week-login crack
    > attack (nicknamed "Red Tide" or the "Labor Day Strike", depending on who
    > is speaking) against U.S. websites in retaliation for the "spy-plane
    > incident".
    Actually, it has been said that the Chinese are respondins to US attacks that
    were responding to China's attempted crashing of a US plane. I'm sure we have
    al heard the rumors, but the press is the only place I have heard about it. I
    am not convinced that there will actually be a huge attack with DoS/DDoS/etc.
    Perhaps both sides' scriptkiddies will vent, and it will blow over without a
    major event.... Unless, of course, the press creates one.

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