Another unicode hacked box

From: Jon Zobrist (kgbat_private)
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 21:31:53 PDT

  • Next message: Hugo van der Kooij: "Re: IIS Exploit..."

    We've got a test server which was NT 4 SP6 IIS 4 no patches which was hit by
    an attack pretty much identical to this one on securityfocus.
    The box was in the DMZ and completely open for internet parties.
    It appears we were hit on March 6,7, and 8th, 2001...
    The attacker attempted to deface our web pages by uploading index.html and
    index.asp both of which include the crude english "fuck USA Government" and
    the message "fuck PoinsonB0x", it also includes a contact email address of
    I'm not sure if this warrants contacting the FBI or not, it appears clean up
    will be reinstalling completely.
    Jon Zobrist
    Manager Information Systems
    Avaltus, Inc.

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