ICMP 8.255?

From: E. Larry Lidz (ellidzat_private)
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 10:56:04 PDT

  • Next message: Chip Mefford: "Re: another wave?"

    On a recent scan of our network, we saw ICMP echo requests coming in
    with the ICMP code set to 255. As it's normally supposed to be set to
    zero (and I can't recall ever having seen a non-zero code on an echo
    request), I'm assuming that this was some sort of constructed packet.
    Anyone else seen this before?
    Of course, it's possible it's some sort of new DoS attack, though we
    didn't have any reports of machines crashing because of it.
    E. Larry Lidz                                        Phone: (773)702-2208
    Sr. Network Security Officer                         Fax:   (773)702-0559
    Network Security Center, The University of Chicago
    PGP: http://security.uchicago.edu/centerinfo/pgpkeys.shtml

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