RE: CRv2 multiple scans from same source IP

From: Gareth Hastings (ghastingsat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 02:29:00 PDT

  • Next message: Curt Purdy: "RE: CR vs. CoreBuilder"

    CR II has fixed the IP scanning problem, that CR I had, it goes something
    like this.
    50% chance it will scan an IP in the same Class A network as itself
    37.5% chance it will scan an IP in the same Class B network as itself
    12.5% chance it will scan a random IP
    in the last few days I've been racking up IDA attempts on my server. I've
    currently had 443 attempts from 106 different hosts. Some hosts having hit
    my machine as many as 24 times in only a few days.
    Bored as I was, I thought I'd see how long it took my machine to scan its
    own Class B network, I only did a ping scan using Nmap
    # nmap -sP -n xx.xx.0.0/16 > my_class_b.log
    and do you know how long that took ? Only 40 minutes. I'm not sure the Rate
    that nmap scans at but I know CRv2 has a 10 second timeout on its connects.
    So it can't really be that long before it comes around to your IP again.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Chris Freeze [mailto:cfreezeat_private]
    Sent: 05 August 2001 22:58
    To: John Davidson
    Cc: incidentsat_private
    Subject: Re: CRv2 multiple scans from same source IP
    On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, John Davidson wrote:
    > My W2k IIS logs show 3 CRv2 scans from the same source IP within the same
    > minute.
    Here everytime I get scanned, my Apache logs are showing a double hit.
    Snort is also logging the two back-to-back attempts.  Another weird bit is
    that some hosts are hitting me again as quickly as 45 minutes. I wonder if
    some people are running injectors(c).  I've also noticed that I'm getting
    hit by different hosts about every 2 mintutes.  I wonder if we have hit a
    saturation point. Anyone thought about the total time for this to have
    statistically scanned the entire IP address space?  Someone out there has
    to be a statistician..
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