Re: Increase in DNS traffic?

From: Simon Delicata (sdelicataat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 11:49:44 PDT

  • Next message: John Hall: "Re: CR vs. CoreBuilder"

    Yeah... I've noticed a continually open ( 2 days +) UDP port from our ISP
    to our DNS server. I chopped the timeouts for idle connections (firewall
    setting), which has seemed to have helped. I've not read too deeply into
    the ida exploits, but if it tries to do a reverse DNS lookup against IP
    addresses it attacks, this might explain the spike
    Simon D
                        <kath@kathweb        To:     <INCIDENTSat_private>                                                  
                        .net>                cc:                                                                                    
                                             Subject:     Increase in DNS traffic?                                                  
    Anyone see a spike in traffic to port 53?
    This is really odd, considering noone really uses this DNS server for
    - k
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