Re: Flash Worms

From: Dragos Ruiu (drat_private)
Date: Sat Aug 18 2001 - 11:08:14 PDT

  • Next message: Rainer Weikusat: "Re: backdoor in freebsd found.."

    On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, jaywhy wrote:
    > It really wouldn't matter even if you only got to 20%, 10% or even 5% of the
    > vulnerable hosts.  Those computer running a DDOS attack against anything
    > would completely destroy it.
    Uhm, no, imho.
    Even if you have 10% of the internet it still makes a big difference 
    which 10% you have (and which internet ;-), and where your target 
    is, and how their network is, ahem, misdesigned (if a 14y old is 
    gonna blow it up :-) , and what your route(s)  to the target are.
    The DDoSability of a network is a big function of it's design.
    From my tests, and barring me playing around with custom
    worm test races (Exhibition event at the next Olympics? :-),
    in ddos there seem to be a few big factors: the cleverness 
    of the transmitter design, the oompf of the tx vs. rx, (os cpu 
    nic everything), and the sizes and bottlenecks of the pipes 
    in between. As the people who run heavily dossed servers
    have alredy evolved, by careful network design and multiple
    peering and redundant facilities you can make your network 
    very D/DoSsurvivable.
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