RE: 24 hour strobes from 10.0.x.x

From: Graham Bignell (gbignellat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 11:05:49 PDT

  • Next message: Richard Stanway: "RE: strange .lnk file in email."

    Hash: SHA1
    Be very disturbed that your upstream provider isn't filtering out
    those spoofed packets; they should not allow the rfc1918 netblocks
    to or from your network.  Seriously, it should be in your contract.
    Your firewall should also be dropping these packets by default, is 
    your issue the rate at which you are getting hit with traffic so 
    the device is kept busy?
    - ---
    Graham "Lorax" Bignell
    724 Solutions Inc.  
    - -----Original Message-----
    From: Konrad Michels [mailto:konradat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 7:53 AM
    To: incidentsat_private
    Subject: 24 hour strobes from 10.0.x.x
    For the last 24 hours I've had our firewall hammered repeatedly from -, all 9 addresses simultaneously going at all ports 
    over 1024, over and over again!
    Obviously spooofed packet headers - and just as I got annoyed enough to 
    want to start digging a bit deeper, the silly buggers stop!  Now isn't 
    that annoying!  Anyway, what was interesting about this was also that, 
    if I changed the IP address of the firewall's external interface say one 
    up or one down, the ruddy things followed it!  Obviously then whatever 
    it was, was continuously strobing a whole block of IP addresses!
    Anyone else seen anything like this lately?
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