Re: Using NBAR to stop your users from geting Nimda from a web page

From: Jeff Kell (jeff-kellat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 23 2001 - 12:59:44 PDT

  • Next message: johan.augustssonat_private: "Re: Nimda affecting HP LaserJet / JetDirect devices?"

    Trevor wrote:
    > One thing to keep in mind if using the ACL from that page... They 
    > suggest using:
    > access-list 105 deny ip any any dscp 1 log
    > access-list 105 permit ip any any
    > Denying all ip will knock down any packets that have your regex 
    > strings in it. Doing a search on Google for "cmd.exe" will hang as it 
    > tries to return the results of your search :) Also, any email 
    > discussion (like this one) that has "readme.eml" in it will be denied. 
    > I changed mine to:
    > Extended IP access list 153
    >     deny tcp any any eq www dscp 1 log (6012 matches)
    >     permit ip any any (228200 matches)
    > This will only filter incoming www traffic.
    A couple of comments on the Cisco recommendations - the filter checks
    for several variants of .ida files, immediately followed by a *.ida,
    which makes the previous ones superfluous.
    And while restricting your deny to 'any any eq www dscp 1' helps some,
    there are some legitimate packets that arrive with (the equivalent of)
    dscp set to 1.  Would suggest you change the policy filter to add on at
    the end:
       class class-default
          set dscp 0 (or whatever value other than 1)
    I have had some slightly confusing discrepancies between the packet 
    counts of 'sho policy int' versus the access-list 105 hits, even after
    the above changes.  The most reliable way to do the filtering is by
    using the policing method on the ingress interface(s).  I've placed the
    policing version on the edge routers and the "mark and deny" method on
    the border router behind them.  Nothing leaked through, but not sure
    how many false positives we might have blocked.  NBAR still seems to be
    a bit of magic with a touch of evil voodoo :-)  (IOS 12.2(3) by the 
    > Also, is anyone using this on a 75xx series Cisco with dCEF? I've 
    > heard from a few people that they are only able to filter some of the 
    > traffic. 
    Not me, I checked figures for the image and it wants 20Mb flash and
    128Mb RAM, both of which exceed our old 7505 RSP1s capacity.  Besides,
    doesn't it only work on VIP interfaces?
    Jeff Kell <jeff-kellat_private>
    Systems/Network Administrator
    University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
    PS - While I have a mail in progress, anybody else seeing RFC1918
    addressed packets to port 80?  We're getting a ton of them, but they
    are blocked by our ingress filter, so I don't have any details on what
    sort of requests they are (don't have a sniffer that can sit on the T1s
    and don't want to remove the filter just to sniff, though I may have to
    if this persists).
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