DDoS Attacks to several Networks (Switzerland)

From: michiat_private
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 09:12:15 PST

  • Next message: List-Collector: "RE: DDoS Attacks to several Networks (Switzerland)"

    Hello there,
    Thuesday we've had a DDoS coming from 500 different sources. It was a
    "tcp-packet-flood" to unpriviledged ports. The DDoS take our network down
    for 2 hours. I called our ISP to block some IP's which has been spammed
    with these packets. There wasn't any sheme in the source IP's, looked like
    they were spoofed, 500 different hosts are a lot. At the same time two
    networks of friends (all in Switzerland) were DDoSed also, with same sheme.
    One friend reported that at the same time one box which was running an old
    version of ssh was owned, or probably owned by the same guy who did the
    I think the "attacker" has found the ip's to attack on IRC. The attacks
    started from 2pm until 5pm (CET).
    Michi Zaugg
    Network & Security
    Limmatstr. 50
    8005 Zuerich
    mailto: michiat_private
    mob: +41 (0) 79 245 75 34
    tel: +41 (0) 1 447 21 46
    fax: +41 (0) 1 447 21 51
    - we're the dot in .digicomp
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