Re: Port 80 SYN flood-like behavior

From: Steve Gibson (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 11:39:09 PST

  • Next message: Hornat, Charles: "Stack Execution"

    ><Enter Conspiracy Theory here ;)>
    > >I read that to mean that the intermediary was seeing reflected SYN
    > >{ACK|RST} packets directed at *different* targets over time (most
    > >attacks only last a few minutes at a time).  In Steve's case, the
    > >attackers directed the attack only at for an extended period
    > >of time.  Two different attackers, with two different MOs.
    >Ack, the question would then have to be, why choose dialups as
    >target, and if, why only a short period of time ("short" being relative
    >to some)
    This is at least consistent with the "script kiddie" mentality we've seen 
    with the "Bot armies" which, as Dave suggested, are often used to blast 
    each other off the Net in "king of the mountain" style attempts to obtain 
    IRC channel ownership, or to "punish" IRC hosts for imagined transgressions.
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