Re: "Nimda"?

From: John.Swarbrickat_private
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 09:03:44 PST

  • Next message: Joshua_Hillerat_private: "Increase in Nimda/Code Red Variants - New Requests Made"

    >> There's no way to stop the requests coming in,
    >> as you have no idea where to expect them from.
    >> You can blackhole or deny hosts as you find their
    >> IPs, but I get hit from all over the net, all day,
    >> every day.
      Although I dont use these methods myself, there are
    ways to filter Nimda (and similar signatures) before
    they reach your servers. These options are best deployed
    in situations when your bandwidth may be limited, for
    example in small to medium sized companies to maximise
    usage of links for 'official' business. Bear in mind
    though, that these methods will use up cpu cycles and
    other resources on the hardware performing the filtering, and
    of course they would need to be implemented at the ISP's
    end of the link.
      These are just examples, which can be modified to match
    any signatures, for example Nimda:
    1. Use Cisco Network-based application recognition (NBAR)
    to filter readme.eml files from being downloaded. Here's
    an example for configuring NBAR:
    Router(config)#class-map match-any http-hacks
    Router(config-cmap)#match protocol http url "*cmd.exe*"
      Once you have matched the traffic, you can choose to
    discard or Policy Based Route the traffic to monitor
    infected hosts.
    2. Using IPTables (v1.2.3 or higher)
    $IPTABLES  -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m string --string .exe? \
     -mstate  --state ESTABLISHED -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
    Best regards,
    John Swarbrick
    Senior Linux Engineer
    Phoenix Networks Ltd
    Phone:  01332 680000
    Email:  john.swarbrickat_private
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