Re: Redhat 6.2 Honeypot Hacked

From: quentynat_private
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 11:31:51 PDT

  • Next message: Virus Attack! - Incidents: "Re: AIM Backdoor?"

    Stephen Holcroft wrote:
    > Hello,
    > My Redhat 6.2 server Honeypot was compromised
    > recently after just 26 minutes of being connected to
    > the internet, it was used as an IRC proxy for two
    > hours after being hacked.
    could you provide the disk images like in the honeynet project ? whilst
    your analysis looks very good, I like to practice my forensic skills ;o)
    On the same subject does any one else know of any disk images other than
    those distributed by the honey net project ? I really enjoyed looking
    through /  analyzing them.
    Quentyn Taylor
    Sysadmin - Fotango
    "It's called MSSexchange because, dammit, I want to gnaw my own
    genitalia off in frustration
    right now". 
       Chris "Saundo" Saunderson
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