From: Cushing, David (David.Cushingat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 13:18:39 PDT

  • Next message: John Kristoff: "Re: IGMP DOS Attack"

    It would have been helpful if you told us what rule failed.  I am
    assuming it was sid 272 or 273, which are scantily documented on the
    snort site.  
    If this is the correct issue, a fragmented IGMP packet would cause
    windows to crash.  See these links for more detail on the vulnerability:
    Whether these packets are malicious or not is still open, but it is
    looking fishy.  If I am reading things right (and that is questionable
    :), the snort rules are looking for the first two bytes of the IGMP
    packet to be "00 00" or "02 00".  The include file I checked,
    /usr/include/netinet/igmp.h, implies a good packet would start with 0x11
    - 0x1f.  The current specs for IGMP also agree with all packets starting
    with a hex "1":
    From an incident response point of view I am curious what you found when
    you researched the 6 hosts you mentioned.  Are they routers (i.e. you
    might expect some IGMP traffic), or are they @home DSL users?  This
    might be a strong hint into whether or not there is a real issue.
    If this is ongoing, you should capture the full packet(s) for analysis.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: D.Stoutat_private [mailto:D.Stoutat_private]
    > Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 6:45 AM
    > To: incidentsat_private
    > Subject: IGMP DOS Attack
    >   After installing a Snort IDS system on a network link I am 
    > responsible 
    > for , I left it running over night to see how many alerts would be 
    > generated.
    > When I returned in the morning I found 450,000 alerts from 
    > snort detailing 
    > a IGMP DoS attack from 6 different source hosts. I cannot find any 
    > information about this DoS attack (DDoS if you consider 6 
    > hosts at same 
    > time). 
    >   Has anybody else had an IGMP DoS attack starting at 5:23 CET ?
    >   Does anybody know what causes this ?
    >   What are the implications of this (other than pure bandwidth 
    > consumption)
    >   I will continue to search for info, but please help me if 
    > you know what 
    > this is.
    > Dave Stout 
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