Re: IGMP DOS Attack

From: John Kristoff (jtkat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 13:45:08 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Daviel: "<victim>server exploit in the wild"

    On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 15:53:03 -0400
    Valdis.Kletnieksat_private wrote:
    > Anybody *else* remember a certain worm randomly picking IP addresses
    > to attack, and causing IGMP meltdowns when it happened to pick a
    > 224.x.x.x address, as all the multicast-aware hosts would start asking
    > about the group?  I remember a 2AM firestorm that took several of our
    > routers and part of Abeliene with it...
    It was the Ramen worm and it scanned random address space, including
    that within  It wasn't IGMP, but rather problems with
    excessive session announcement state between MSDP peers.  Marshall
    Eubanks gave a good presentation at a recent NANOG about IP multicast
    issues including the impact of Ramen on the IP multicast enabled
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