Re: A friend's cable modem Linux machine just got compromised

From: Jason Robertson (jasonat_private)
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 09:11:21 PDT

  • Next message: Sam Trenholme: "Re: A friend's cable modem Linux machine just got compromised"

    This seems to be the same version of the Sun r00tkit attack I 
    mentioned.. It seems to be a modified t0rnkit, that uses files like 
    /tmp/x for xinetd, and xntps on the sun box was a mstream client if I 
    remember. It comes from a script kiddiez group on ircnet, and it's 
    something like X-ORG.  There was a writeup of it on the honeynet 
    project page.. scan 20..
    On 1 May 2002 at 3:18, Sam Trenholme wrote:
    Date sent:      	Wed, 1 May 2002 03:18:57 -0500 (CDT)
    From:           	Sam Trenholme <abiword_bugsat_private>
    Subject:        	A friend's cable modem Linux machine just got 
    To:             	incidentsat_private
    > Hello there,
    > A friend's cable modem linux machine was very recently
    > compromised; the attackers obtained root access on the
    > machine and modified certain system binaries in an
    > attempt to hide their tracks.  
    > Anyway, it looked liked the were hiding a program
    > called 'xntps'.  In addition, they had a modified
    > md5sum which would generate bogus sums for the
    > trojaned system files.
    > I did not have an oppertunity to perform a full
    > post-mortem system audit--the person is 300 miles away
    > and my first priority was to get him to get off the
    > 'net and reinstalling his system.  However, I was able
    > to download the trojaned 'md5sum' and 'xntps' files.
    > While studying Linux binaries without source is beyond
    > my feeble abilities, I have determined that the
    > modified md5sum binary attempts to read the file
    > /dev/srd0 and write to the file /tmp/behsdf; I suspect
    > the "bugus" sums are in /dev/srd0.
    > The system was a default rh7.1 install; I suspect that
    > they got in via the wu-ftpd globbing exploit.
    > Friends don't let friends run wu-ftpd.
    > - Sam
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