RE: netbuie.exe, and

From: Edwards, David (JTS) (Edwards.Daveat_private)
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 22:55:32 PDT

  • Next message: Mark Newby: "Re: Unusual Message log contents"

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: H C [mailto:keydet89at_private]
    > Sent: Wednesday, 8 May 2002 2:56 AM
    > To: Edwards, David (JTS); incidentsat_private
    > Subject: Re: netbuie.exe, and
    > David, 
    > What other info can you provide about this?  Do you
    > know how this file got on the box?  What other
    > services are running?  Are there any other files
    > associated with this?
    We don't know where it came from at the moment.
    proxy logs show it started connecting to scorpionsearch 
    etc at 8:57 May 6th CST.
    > For example, I assume you found the sites the file was
    > hitting based on IDS or firewall logs...right?  What
    > else have you done?  Have you checked the filesystem
    > for other new files?  What about processes, network
    > connections, etc?
    The binary has the sites hard-coded as unicode strings.  
    Apart from netbuie.exe, there was nothing obvious in the
    process table.
    We've taken the box off-line and gathering information
    at the moment.  We're also looking at our backups.
    We've found at least one other file probably associated 
    with it.  It's called NBSetup.exe.  
    Company name in the Version information says: MiKrOsOFT.  
    This was found in c:\windows\system (note the box is a 
    Win2k Server, not Win95/8).  It was owned by the local 
    administrators group (not domain admin)
    I'm looking through the firewall logs at the moment.
    There are some very odd entries there from this machine
    but I'm not confident that they are related as yet.
    Dave Edwards 
    Justice Technology Services
    Ph: +61 8 82265426 || 0408 808355 
    mailto: edwards.daveat_private
    Snail : Justice Technology Division 
            GPO Box 2048, Adelaide 5001
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