Re: Unusual Message log contents

From: Mark Newby (markat_private)
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 05:13:40 PDT

  • Next message: Mally Mclane: "Re: Publishing Nimda Logs"

    Gregory Kane wrote:
    > Ok - I'm not totally sure what is going on here. Does 
    > anyone have a thought about this entry in my message.log 
    > file?
    I saw this sort of stuff prior-to/during/after a Red Hat Linux 7.2 Web 
    server was cracked into an used by crackers to install IRC bots, 
    sniffers, trojaned servers (ftp server), etc.
    I'd check for rogue files, rootkits, etc.  a good start is to run 
    chkrootkit (<>).  there's lots of FAQs, etc on the www 
    that explain the steps to go through in detecting if you've been 
    compromised and how to recover.
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