Can anyone identify this backdoor?

From: Matt Andreko (mandrekoat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 14:58:06 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Anuzis: "Incident Analysis of Compromised OpenBSD3.0 Honeypot"

    Apparently over the holiday, one of my client's machines was broken
    into.  It was running Windows 2000 Pro, with IIS installed (webserver
    only, no ftp,smtp..)  Apparently the attacker got in through this.  The
    logs show some Unicode in the requests, so I'd bet that's it.  
    A file was deposited in the c:\winnt\system32\ folder named "cc.exe".  I
    have studied it a little bit, and it seems quite interesting.  It's
    actually a winrar self-executable file.  Inside contains what I believe
    a stripped down copy of serv-u ftp server, messages for that server, and
    some other interesting tools.  There's a cmd.exe file, which doesn't
    match the size of the one in c:\winnt\system32, so it could be
    I was basically wondering if anyone had seen anything like it, or could
    identify it.  I have put a copy up temporarily on my webserver at 
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