Re: Anyone know this rootkit (rootkits?)

From: Anton A. Chuvakin (antonat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 06:37:03 PDT

  • Next message: David Carmean: "Re: Bind 9.2.X exploit???"

    Steve and all,
    >rootkit.  It had files stored in /dev/\ \ \ , modified a bunch of
    >binaries including su, netstat, ls, ps, and ifconfig, and installed some
    >sort of sshd trojan in a whole bunch of places.  Sound familiar to
    >anyone?  (ie, who knows where I can learn more about it?)
    Yeah, it fact it sounds like most rootkits I've seen.
    >While cleaning up the mess with that, things still weren't working so I
    >looked farther and discovered ANOTHER bunch of covert directories,
    Sure, some kits deploy a sniffer in one place, sshd in another, adore
    (have you found anyth kernel-level?) in yet another place.
    >Anyone hear of these?  Is this one rootkit or more than one?
    It can be one  or it can be more. If you had no Tripwire/integrity
    checking software there is no way to _reliably_ find all traces of the
    penetreation. In fact, even if you do have it - it is still not likely.
    Rebuilding the box is the most popular advice given in this list ;-)
      Anton A. Chuvakin, Ph.D., GCIA
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