Re: openssh-3.4p1.tar.gz trojaned

From: Przemyslaw Frasunek (venglinat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 05 2002 - 02:37:24 PDT

  • Next message: Ken Grossman: "RE: Scanning Port UDP 4668"

    Edwin Groothuis <edwinat_private> napisał(a):
    > Just want to inform you that the OpenSSH package op
    > (and probably all its mirrors now) it trojaned:
    Actually, it's possible, that also other machines at were
    compromised (dns servers? Recently we had complains
    about some malicious IRC activity originating from,
    which was possibly cracked or DNS spoofed. 
    03:11 EFNet:[ Whois deraadt (deraadtat_private)
    03:11 EFNet::    Ircname : Theo de Raadt
    03:11 EFNet::     Server : [ATMAN Network, Warsaw, Poland ]
    03:11 EFNet::       Idle : 0 days 0 hours 1 mins 9 secs
    03:11 EFNet::     Signon : Fri Aug  2 03:09:58 2002
    03:10 EFNet:- - *** Notice -- User deraadt
                     (deraadtat_private) is attempting to join locally
                     juped channel #phrack
    * Fido: 2:480/124 ** WWW: ** NIC-HDL: PMF9-RIPE *
    * Inet: przemyslawat_private ** PGP: D48684904685DF43EA93AFA13BE170BF *
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