Curt, to unwrap burneye binaries you need know the binary password... to unwrap you can use UNFburninhell made by [ByteRage] (thanks to him). ABfrag is FAKE, so, you don't need audit that binary. Regards... Nilton Gomes -- Mensagem original -- >In-Reply-To: <20021018184346.B44C5425Cat_private> > > >>I smell Burneye !! ..... what do you guys think ? > >If you download the ABfrag file from > >5933.html, and view or run strings on the file, you will see the burneye > >signature in the file header: > >TEEE burneye - TESO ELF Encryption Engine > >I'm wondering if there is any way to determine the burneye options used by > >analyzing the encrypted file? I doubt it, but does anyone have any >experience with this? > >Looks like we need to get brute forcing that password (could be nearly >impossible), or perhaps find a good reverse engineer. I recall reading >material by Dave Dittrich about trying to reverse engineer the x2 SSH >exploit that had been protected with burneye. I also came across an >article somewhere, perhaps on the teso website, that talked about the >sorry state of the "white hat" reverse engineers. Personally, I could not > >reverse engineer myself out of a wet paper bag. > >I'm very curious to learn more about this exploit, and would enjoy seeing > >the IDS activity discussed in the first message in this thread. Do we have > >enough to make a snort signature? Did you get an image of the systems >memory at the time of the exploit? Perhaps there is a snowballs chance in > >hell that the password used to run the executable could be recovered. > > >Curt Wilson >Netw3 Security > > > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. >For more information on this free incident handling, management >and tracking system please see: > > ------------------------------------------ Use o melhor sistema de busca da Internet Radar UOL - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. For more information on this free incident handling, management and tracking system please see:
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